Not-So-Scary Bats Craft
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By Larisa

Today my son talked about bats in his class, and my daughter was working on the letter B and her book had a picture of a bat, so it just seemed meant to be that we make some sort of bat inspired craft today! I don't really do super scary Halloween decor, so this is about as spooky as we get in our house!

We used some of our leftover black card stock from our "5 Little Pumpkins Book" as the base. The rest was fairly simple, and I honestly just sort of winged it (no pun intended) when we created the wings!

1 - Paint black paper with paint sticks. (You can read more about how much I LOVE paint sticks!) The lighter colors and white showed up best, and even though these are fast drying, if you work quickly you can blend the colors together a bit. 

2 - Punch or cut circles with plain black paper. You will need 2 circles per bat.

3 - After your paint dries, cut out your bat wings.

4 - Cut colorful yarn in varying lengths.

5 - Make a sandwich starting with a black circle, apply glue, add your wings and yarn, and top off your sandwich with another black circle on the top. 

6 - Add a cute face to your bat, and they are ready to hang up. (Or your kids can run around the house with the bats on strings!)

Bonus - we also made a sweet mama spider to join the bats. Her heart shaped body was cut out from leftover painted black paper that we didn't use for our bat wings. 



Here are a few photos of our progress making our not-so-scary bats!

Are you making any fun Halloween crafts with your kids this week? Have a fun and not-so-scary Halloween!

My Favorite Things

Here are some of the supplies we used in this project!


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